Happy Cali-versary To Me!

2 min readDec 14, 2017


Today marked the year anniversary of my arrival to California and I couldn’t be happier to have made it. Yes, I celebrated by working a 14-hour day. But hey, I’m just blessed to have gotten this far. Considering I landed dead broke with just enough saved up to ship my car and float for a couple of months instead of the recommended minimum of six, I am in prime position to say I’m damn proud of me. Here I am, still broke (don’t get it twisted lol), but broke in a “I’m not rich yet” sense instead of a “I can’t eat or pay my bills” kind of way. I’ll take that for now. Because it’s still more than some can say. And I am thankful. Shout out to both jobs that currently sign my checks. But the dreams of stardom/rich sugar daddy/ lucky break continue. But that’s not the point. I’ll try to keep the actual point short.

I write this to say that these things are possible. I lived my whole 20’s in fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of what could have been, fear of what others would think and most of all fear of failure. I dreamed of moving to this place for ten years before I actually mustered up the strength to do it. I came up with every excuse and let every set back stop my plans. Now, at 29, I can say that I didn’t waste all of my 20’s and that there is still so much left to do with what’s left. Making this move was what i wanted for so long. And now that I’ve been settled in this moment for a year, I can’t even believe it took me so long to reach for something I needed. Because leaving Michigan was definitely what I needed. More than I realized.

So at the end of it all, anyone who happens to read this just remember to keep going. And kick fear in the ass because you’ll only waste time. Who knows what I would be doing had I left ten years ago? And again, I regret nothing because I learned so much about fear and the power it can have over you. That’s a lesson I may have never learned without staying. But I’m so glad I broke through and now I can go into 30 living my best California dream.

Thank you to everyone that wished me well, sent me love, helped me transition and kept me afloat. That means more to me than I can ever express. Be your best self wherever that is and just keep going. 💗




Written by Danielle❤

“When you are at peace with yourself, your energy is aligned into creating what you want, not protecting what you don’t want to lose.”

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